Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Statement by President Maia Sandu at the joint press conference with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen

Dear President von der Leyen, dear Ursula, I am glad to see you again in Chisinau!

Tomorrow, 1 June, is an important day for the Republic of Moldova and for our country's friends and partners who are coming to Moldova. Tomorrow we will proudly say: Welcome, Europe, to our home!

The whole of Europe is gathering in Bulboaca - a beautiful village in our country - to discuss security, energy and a better connected and more prosperous Europe.

It is an honour for us to host the European Political Community Summit, attended by 50 presidents, prime ministers and senior officials of the European Union.

Moldova has many friends, who stand with us and support us in the aspiration that unites our citizens - to build a European Moldova at home.

The presence of these leaders, your presence, dear Ursula, is a very clear message that Moldova is not alone.

Neither is our neighbour Ukraine, which for more than a year and three months has been heroically and courageously standing up to russia's barbaric invasion. The fact that the second meeting of the European Political Community is taking place some 20 km from the border with Ukraine is proof of growing unity on the European continent.

Free countries have united to protect a people's right to life and freedom. Our citizens have also united to stand with the Ukrainians and to say loud and clear that our peoples want to live in dignity at home and to decide their own fate.

The citizens of the Republic of Moldova, regardless of ethnicity, mother tongue or political views, want a safe life in a peaceful and free state. They said this with determination at the European Moldova Assembly on 21 May 2023.

More than 80 thousand people gathered in the Grand National Assembly Square and thousands of people in more than 50 European cities said, with one voice, that Moldova's place is in the European Union.

The authorities in Chisinau are working hard on a daily basis to carry out reforms and meet the EU Commission's nine conditions by improving the justice system, fighting corruption and organised crime, strengthening administrative capacity and making the country more resilient.

We thank the European Commission, the Member States and you, dear Ursula, for your support and openness. Thank you for the budgetary support that helps us to get through these difficult times more easily.

We welcome the European Union's decision yesterday to sanction those who threaten our country's democracy and stability. The restrictions imposed will prevent them and others with similar intentions from trying to destabilise the country and block our future.

Our connection to the European Union is strengthened by the increasing number of agreements and mechanisms to which Moldova is adhering. On Europe Day, we became part of the Connecting Europe Facility, which will allow us to increase investment in upgrading our roads, energy and digital sectors, improve our infrastructure and increase trade with EU countries.

In a few hours, the EU Partnership Mission to Moldova under the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) will also be launched in Chisinau - which will help us to strengthen the security sector.

This is what partnership with the European Union is all about - this is how we are closer to Europe - this is how we integrate into the EU - we help each other with the hard work, we celebrate each other's successes together, and we are closer to the dear people in our lives, wherever we are.

I am happy to announce that our country and the European Union signed today a new agreement, namely the liberalisation of roaming charges. The agreement provides for lower roaming charges from 1 January 2024. So, when we go to EU countries, we will be able to talk to our families back home more often and cheaper.

Thank you, President von der Leyen, for having faith in Moldova. Moldova's place is in the European Union. Our generation's pledge is to bring Moldova into the European family and to bring the European Union home.

Dear Ursula, I have every confidence that we will succeed!

Thank you.