Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

President meets head of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Group on Moldova

President Igor Dodon today met Head of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Group on Moldova Arta Dade.

The sides approached more issues, including cooperation in the Transnistrian conflict settlement, implementation of reforms in Moldova, issues related to development of relations between Moldova, EU and Eurasian Union, as well as relations with Russia, cooperation between Chisinau and Comrat within the dialogue platform between representatives of Moldovan government and Gagauz People’s Assembly, some issues on interethnic relations in Moldova.

Dodon pointed out the progress recorded in dialogue between Chisinau and Tiraspol and opted for developing and strengthening it by carrying out the action package on elimination of obstacles to communication between residents of both banks of the Dniestre, as well as between representatives of business environment under the Protocol in Berlin, signed in the 5+2 format. At the same time, the officials declared for the Transnistrian settlement on the basis of preserving and observing the territorial integrity of Moldova.

At the same time, the sides opted for optimizing the cooperation between the Moldovan parliament and OSCE Parliamentary Assembly to promote issues on the working agenda.

The head of state underlined the importance of setting a consensus at management level as regards implementation of reintegration policy and noted the need to more actively involve the parliament in this process. In the context, Dodon pointed out the need to organize an international conference on Moldova’s topic in the near future.

At the end, the president voiced support for the Moldovan parliament’s intention to adopt soon a set of draft laws on Gagauzia, and highlighted the importance of the Civil Society Council meant to consolidate interethnic relations in the country.