Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Moldovan, Spanish officials broach cooperation, reforms, European agenda

President Nicolae Timofti today met Bucharest-based Spanish Ambassador to Moldova Estanislao de Grandes Pascual, at the end of his diplomatic mission to Moldova.

Timofti thanked Estanislao de Grandes Pascual for his contribution to the development of the bilateral ties and voiced conviction that the two nations’ affiliation with the Latin area would facilitate both the development of the political dialogue and economic and cultural cooperation between the states.

For his part, Estanislao de Grandes Pascual highlighted Spain’s interest in Moldova, by the presence of 33 companies with Spanish capital in the country. „The Gas Union Fenosa Company, which works in the electric energy supply sector, represents one of the most important foreign investments in the economy of Moldova,” Pascual said. The official specified that more Spanish construction companies had expressed intention to invest in projects on modernisation of Moldova’s infrastructure.

The envoy reaffirmed the Spanish authorities’ firm support for the European aspirations of Moldova. Estanislao de Grandes Pascual welcomed the initialling of the Association Agreement with the European Union and voiced hope that the signing of the document in 2014 would represent an important step in Moldova’s European integration process. „Spain backs the abolition of the visa regime for the Moldovan citizens,” Pascual said.

Nicolae Timofti reconfirmed the Chisinau authorities’ political will to carry out the reforms programme, which would allow Moldova aligning with the European Union’s standards and values.

The Spanish official informed about the inauguration of a Cervantes Institute’s branch in Chisinau soon, meant to promote the Spanish language and culture.