Personal information:
Date of birth – 12 February 1977
Marital status - married, mother of three children
- State Agrarian University of Moldova: Faculty of economy
- National Institute of Management: Faculty of economic law;
- Moldovan (native)
- English
- Russian
Professional activity:
- 02 March 2012 - Financial Director of Company „Exclusiv Media”
- 19 September 2005 - 1 March 2012 - Deputy chief accountant, Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- 15 May 2002 - September 2005 - Senior accountant, Section of banking operations, Branch „Invest” BC of the bank „Moldindconbank”
- 01 July 2001 - 28 February 2002 - Economist-expert, Company „Capitoliul”
- 06 September 1999 - 19 June 2001 – Accountant, Company „Beton armat”