The State Flag of the Republic of Moldova

Regulation on the State Flag, approved by the Parliament Decision No.17-XII of May 12, 1990, News No.5/93, 1990

The State Flag of the Republic of Moldova – the Tricolour – is the official symbol of the Republic of Moldova. It symbolises the past, the present and the future of the Moldovan State, reflects its democratic principles, historical tradition of the Moldovan people, equality of rights, the solidarity and friendship between all citizens of the republic.

The State Flag of the Republic of Moldova – the Tricolour – represents a rectangular piece of cloth, formed of three strips of equal dimensions, disposed vertically in the following sequence of the colours from the flagpole: blue (azure), yellow and red. The State Coat of Arms of the Republic of Moldova is printed in the centre, on the yellow strip. The proportion between the width of the Coat of Arms and the length of the Flag is 1:5 and the proportion between the width and the length of the Flag is 1:2.

The State Flag of the Republic of Moldova shall be displayed:

The State Flag of the Republic of Moldova may also be displayed at ceremonies and other solemn festivities organised by public authorities, enterprises, institutions and organisations.

The State Flag of the Republic of Moldova and its image regardless of the dimensions have to correspond fully to the established proportions and to the colour and graphic representation, attached to this Regulation.

The responsibility for the strict execution of all legal requirements on the State Flag of the Republic of Moldova shall lie with the leaders of public authorities, heads of enterprises, organisations and institutions, who have been granted the right to use the State Flag of the Republic of Moldova.



Decision of the Government of the Republic of Moldova on approval of Guidelines for applying Regulation on the State Flag of the Republic of Moldova

 The Government of the Republic of Moldova decides:

1. To approve the Guidelines for applying Regulation on the State Flag of the Republic of Moldova (attached)

2. To abrogate:


Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova


Chisinau, December 24, 1991



Guidelines for applying Regulation on the State Flag of the Republic of Moldova 

Approved by the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Moldova No.716 of December 24, 1991