Message by H.E. Maia Sandu, President of the Republic of Moldova, at the 75th anniversary of UNESCO

Paris, 12 November 2021


Madam Director General, excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

On behalf of my country and fellow citizens, I extend my sincere congratulations on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of UNESCO.

The history of UNESCO started after two devastating world wars. It is the history of a world that looks at what brings us together and what can unite us in lasting peace: education, science, and culture.

It’s our humanity, our shared human experience that brings us together; that helps us overcome our differences, reject conflict and foster reconciliation. Our traditions and way of life, our strife for improvement and innovation, our desire to share what we learn with others - and learn from other people’s experiences.

In the last three quarters of a century, UNESCO has done invaluable work in preserving our common cultural heritage, elevating the role of science and innovation in the world, and putting education at the core of public policies worldwide.

In the Republic of Moldova, UNESCO has supported multiple projects in the area of education and research, preservation of our cultural heritage and archaeological sites, educating youth in the spirit of constructive dialogue and diversity, and encouraging artistic expression.

As a country that values peace, Moldova appreciates and strives to embody the core values entrenched in the work and philosophy of your organization. Many schools in Moldova are associated with UNESCO; in various regions of the country, UNESCO clubs host events and gatherings to promote the values of dialogue, respect for identity and diversity, and an openness to compromise.

We are looking forward to continuing our good cooperation with UNESCO in the coming years, with new programs and projects implemented in Moldova, but also by joining flagship initiatives in the areas of innovation, digital transformation and adapting education to the challenges of modern life.


Ladies and gentlemen,

The world has changed a lot in 75 years. It has become more complex, it is stricken by ever more challenges. The digital age changed the way we live, learn and work. The Internet made us more interconnected, but also prone to abuse and misinformation. The rise of artificial intelligence offers tremendous opportunities, but also raises ethical issues. The climate crisis is upon us and needs our immediate and joint action.

The role of UNESCO now is more relevant than ever - in guiding nations and people through this complexity not by conflict, but with compassion, and towards a shared outlook of humanity. We stand ready to do our part.