Speech of the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, at the "European Moldova" National Assembly

Dear Moldovans – those who gathered in the Great National Assembly Square and those who came together in other capitals of the world – I'm glad that there are so many of us here today.

Let me warmly greet everyone, those in the centre of the country, those in the North of Moldova all the way to the South, those from Ocnita to Cahul.

I also welcome Ms Roberta Metsola, the President of the European Parliament, and all our European partners who came to show support for Moldova's chosen path - the European path.

I know that our citizens from Milan, Paris, Rome, London, Madrid, Bucharest, Padova, Vienna, Barcelona, Budapest stand with us today. Those from the diaspora, those who helped our country overcome difficulties, those who chose to stay home despite all the hardships, and all the people who kept Moldova upright and dignified throughout over 30 years.

Regardless of where you are at the moment, our voice today is united. We came to say clearly, with confidence and pride - Moldovans are Europeans. Moldova belongs to the European Union. Our country's project and objective is for Moldova to become a full-fledged member of the European family by 2030. This is not only my solid commitment. This is what the people of the Republic of Moldova want, and we have the European Union’s full support for this journey.

We demanded it every time we took the streets to defend our rights, we demanded it during elections, and we demand it now, as we gathered once again to decide the fate of Moldova today.

Europe is more than a political slogan; Europe is a way of life, a dream that must become a reality; it's our people's chance to live in peace and prosperity. This dream depends on each one of us.

It may seem like a long road ahead, a path that requires extraordinary efforts and the entire society’s contribution. But this is the only path that will ensure peace and prosperity for the future of our children.

The foundation of this dream was laid by our parents and grandparents, who 34 years ago, on 27 August, demanded the right to freedom, national unity, and a European future. It is our duty to make this dream come true as we are a devoted, hardworking, and proud nation. And now is that time.

The way our children's future will look in 7 years from now depends on each and every one of us. It depends on the actions and choices we make every day. It depends on our state institutions - these should be strong, independent, and capable to defend Moldova's interests.

It also depends on the will and actions of every citizen. No one can stand in the way of our development if we firmly move together towards the European Union - because the people are the only masters of their homeland.

Moldova must be a member of the European Union. Moldovans must be Europeans, not only in values, as we are today, but also in deeds.

For 34 years, they have tried to block our future, to divide us, to keep us in poverty, to blackmail us; they wanted us to be dependent, they wanted us to freeze and to fall. But we stayed strong!

We are resilient. In 34 years, we have resisted despite all the impediments. We remained a country with free people, a democratic country, a country that deserves its place in the European Union.

We are a nation with dignity. We say what we want and we stand firmly by the decisions that concern our country. It is something our parents, those who defended Moldova and those who kept their heads high in front of sacrifices wished for.

Here we are today, gathered in the Great National Assembly Square to declare that Moldova is European, that we want to be free in our own home.

Today, the fulfillment of this aspiration is more realistic than ever. Our duty is to work together so that our children can enjoy a happy life. The children born today should start their first grade at school as European citizens; the young people enrolled in the medical school should become doctors in a European Union country; the farmers planting walnut orchards today should have their first harvest in a European country and enjoy a large and stable European market for Moldovan products.

We want entrepreneurs starting businesses today, to be able to transform these into European, modern, and competitive companies, with a high employment creation potential.

A European Moldova means that we have to build European state institutions that serve only the citizens, that protect and work in the national interest, regardless of who is in power. Teachers, doctors, police officers, and all public sector employees will become European civil servants - respected by citizens and rewarded based on merit.

All of us gathered here in the Great National Assembly Square come from regions and communities we love and cherish. No one knows better than us that a European future means well-equipped and modern villages.

We have launched the "European Village" Program. In just one year, we have completed 100 projects. Today, people in these regions have access to drinking water, modern kindergartens or schools, quality roads, and street lighting. In the coming years, we must cover all the villages and bring Europe into all our communities.

For our seniors, our pensioners, the wait seems the longest. But our parents and grandparents know what it means to work patiently because that's the only way you can enjoy lasting results. They want their grandchildren to learn in a European school, to retire in a European country, so that their lifelong sacrifice was not done in vain.

Diaspora doesn't only mean longing and separation. Diaspora is about Moldovans who help their families, their hometowns and their country; who come back home, invest, and create job opportunities. Diaspora knows what Europe means and how Europe works, that is why they want their country to become a European state as soon as possible.

We want those who are in the diaspora today to come home often, much more often, or come home for good - because home will be the European Union.

Transforming Moldova into a European state is a journey at the end of which we will be proud that we chose the right path. It's not an easy path, but Moldovans didn't choose it because it's hard or easy, we chose it because it's the only chance for Moldova to thrive. It's the path that we, the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, have chosen because we no longer want to be on the margins of Europe, we no longer want to be subjected to Russian blackmail, poverty, and corruption.

A European Moldova is a Moldova where all the citizens can live and fulfill their potential as they will, without humiliation or mistreatment. We all have a place in this country that is small but so dear to our hearts.

We have a common mission to make Moldova more prosperous and modern. And this is within the power of each and every one of us. Let's look at our country with pride. I hear foreigners praising us, expressing appreciation for Moldovans and Moldova. Yet at home, I hear Moldovans criticizing each other.

We are neither the best nor the worst. We neither should be ashamed, nor exaggerate our merits. I want us to appreciate each other for who we are.

We have reasons to appreciate each other - we are kind-hearted people, we value justice and are closely connected to one another through the power of community and the moments of hardship and joy that we have shared together.

We know how to be hospitable, but we also know how to stand our ground when our dignity is violated. We are helpful when needed and share the little we have with our brothers. We all know these traits, they define Moldova, and with them, we will enrich and strengthen Europe.

I would like to change the way we see Moldova. Let's respect each other, let's be kinder to one another. Those who have the means should help those in need. The rich should contribute to the modernization of the villages they were born in. We must find a way to communicate with the younger generation and work together for the common good.

I want us to have trust and faith in what we do. To all those gathered here today, to all those who are watching us and are with us in their hearts: you are kind, hard-working people - believe in yourselves and let's advance together!

The history of Moldova is one of resilience. After a long period of resistance, the coming years will be about our transformation into a European state at the same level with the most developed countries in the world. Moldova is rising. Moldovans are uniting. Together, we will build a European Moldova that we can be proud of.

The divisions from the past must come to an end. Now is the time to set aside the things that differentiate us and ask ourselves what brings us together.

Our unity lies in a common desire to live freely in a European state. Our unity lies in the belief that Moldovans deserve to be happy in their own country and choose their own destiny. Our unity lies in the aspiration that, in 7 years, we will look in our childrens’ eyes and will be proud of our decisions, we will see joy and optimism.

If these are the things that will unite us, regardless of ethnicity, mother tongue, or political ideology, Moldova will certainly join the European Union. Being a member state of the EU means that we will be respected, and our independence and democracy will be protected.

The European Union does not put into question if Moldovans are the sole masters of their country. The European Union guarantees everyone's right to life and freedom of expression. The European Union ensures people’s freedom to choose their own destiny.

A European Moldova means a Moldova with strong and reliable friends who won't leave us in the face of aggressors who  bring wars and kill people. We will only be safe within our European family.

Today, the war is far away from our homes because Ukrainians are fighting heroically and sacrificing their lives for their land and people. This war clearly shows that we no longer want to be blackmailed by the Kremlin.

We want to keep our country and our children away from the perils of war. Only as members of the European Union Moldovans will have the assurance of safety and peace. 

Moldova has struggled to break free from the Kremlin's heavy influence and now can proudly look towards a European future. Moldovans know what is the right choice because there is no single family in this country that does not have children, siblings, or grandchildren living in the European Union.

We know from our own experience that Europe is a place of prosperity and peace. We, Moldovans, have experienced both realities and have decided what we want for our country. Moldova will join the European Union, and this must happen by 2030.

Russian: Уважаемые сограждане, Европейский Союз у нас дома — это благополучная жизнь для каждого гражданина, для всех детей Молдовы. И ради этого мы должны оставить в стороне разногласия и объединиться, чтобы в нашей стране царили взаимопонимание и мир, чтобы у каждого было право на счастливую жизнь. 

Европейский Союз защищает и поддерживает этнические группы и их культуры. Молдова в составе Европейского Союза — это значит быть равными с гражданами европейских государств, это значит гордиться нашей страной и нашим многообразием, это значит, что мы сами себя уважаем — и что нас уважает весь мир.

Ukrainian: Європейський Союз підтримує право кожного на життя та свободу. Європейське майбутнє означає бути сім'єю, яка живе у мирi та достатку. Місце Молдови, місце України у європейській сім'ї – тільки так ми можемо гарантувати мир та безпеку для наших громадян.

Gagauz: GagauzlAr isterlÄr yaşamAA gelişmİş küülerdÄ, isterlÄr pensiyalarI hem maaşlarI büüsÜn. EvropayI buradA, evdÄ barabAr düzErİz.

Bulgarian: Мястото на Молдова е в Европейският Съюз. Това е единственият шанс за молдовците да живеят в мир и благополучие. 

If we must work together with dedication to fulfill our European Union aspiration, we will do it. Moldovans are not afraid of hard work, and we know that a solid house is built by an entire community. Each one of us, wherever we are, in Moldova or in the diaspora, in a village or a city, studying in a university or working for a large company, working the land or building hospitals, each one of us can contribute to bringing the European Union at home.

I invite you all to take action in building a European Moldova by doing the following:

1.One. Let's stay united, because only together we will succeed in ensuring Moldova's accession to the European Union.

2.Two. Let's talk about the European Union with our relatives, friends, colleagues, and neighbours. Let's tell them that a European Moldova means peace, prosperity, and security. It means European schools, European hospitals, European roads. It means freedom of thought and action. It means being able to live happily at home. Disinformation and lies work against us, and it is up to us to convince those who have doubts that the only chance for our country to have a bright future is EU accession.

3.Three. Let's continue to support our neighbors, let's help Ukraine resist the aggressor. Moldova may not be able to contribute as wealthy countries do, but we can stand by the women and children fleeing from bombs, provide humanitarian aid, and lend a helping hand to the Ukrainians who are sacrificing themselves to stop the war.

4.Four. Let's be Europeans every day - let's respect the rules, clean our courtyards, hang the flags of Moldova and the EU from our windows, respect and help each other when needed. These are simple things that we all can do.

5.Five. Let dignity accompany usin everything we do, wherever we are. Being European means doing things well, maintaining order and discipline, ensuring that each profession is performed correctly.

6.Six. Let's preserve democracy, participate in elections, carefully consider whom we trust, defend our right to freedom of expression, and protect ourselves from propaganda. Let's gather information from multiple sources, be cautious of unverified information that seeks to induce panic and polarization. Let's have confidence in our institutions - they have proven that they can protect Moldova and uphold constitutional order.

7.Seven. Let's start looking at Moldova with pride. We have champions, inventors and founders of successful companies all over the world. We have beautiful lands and young people who impress with their abilities. We have the best food and the most beautiful traditional dances. We can strengthen Europe through what we are - a European country with unique traditions and valuable people.

Every country in the world has its own beautiful things and its own problems, but there is no better place than home. This is what people tell me everywhere I go, be it in the major European capitals or in the Moldovan villages. And they all tell me that they want a better future for their children here, at home. I haven't met a single person who wants to live in poverty and war. Everyone wants to be able to build their families at home, to raise children in their birthplaces, and live a happy life with their loved ones. This is exactly what a European Moldova represents.

It's been 7 years since I entered the political arena and participated in my first presidential election. These 7 years were difficult - a battle of resistance against those who wanted to subjugate and impoverish Moldova. Our citizens never gave up - whenever it was necessary, Moldovans came together and defended the country's future.

Today, 21 May 2023, we have gathered once again, the whole nation united, to say in unison that Moldovans are Europeans and that in 7 years, we must become a fully fledged member of the European Union.

We, the people of this country, irrevocably decide now, that Moldova should hold its head high and proudly move forward, towards the European Union.

Moldova is our country that belongs to each and everyone of us. I urge you to believe in our common force to succeed. Let us have confidence that our future is here, at home, and that our generation will lead Moldova into the European family.

It is our generations’ commitment to work as much as needed so that the next generations will be part of the European family. Because Moldova is Europe. Because Moldova will be the European Union.