Moldovan president participates in meeting of Commonwealth of Independent States' council of heads of state

President Igor Dodon has participated in a meeting of the Commonwealth of Independent States’ (CIS) Council of Heads of State in small and enlarged formats. The participants in the discussions considered a wide range of issues on the further development of cooperation in the most diverse sectors and adopted more decisions of major importance.

In his speech, given on this occasion, Igor Dodon stressed the importance of the existence of CIS in the interest of all its members.

“Separated, without an interaction between us, we would have been divided, one by one, on the geopolitical scaffold long ago. This is not only a metaphor, but also a reality of nowadays. Many of us perceived the existence of such destructive processes in their own countries. Not only the economic development, but Moldova’s statehood itself depends on the stability and positive processes in the countries of CIS and Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). For us, the existence of CIS and EAEU is undoubtedly an issue of survival as state,” the head of state noted.      

In the string of decisions passed, there is one on declaring the 2020 year as Year of the 75th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Another important document which resulted from the meeting held was a joint declaration of the heads of state on the support of the institution of family and traditional values of the family. The document signed stipulates, in particular, that the backing of the family institution is one of the main priorities of CIS in the legal, social-economic and social-demographic policies. Also, the declaration reads that the family represents a chain of connection between generations and is the foundation for ensuring a sound and stable future of the society. The declaration stresses the importance of working out efficient organizational, legal, economic, information and educational measures, aimed at forming favourable conditions for the creation of families, protection of the health of mother and child, development of the institution of adoption, support of young parents, care for the generations of elderly people.       

At the same time, the declaration shows the urgent need of interaction to settle the problems dealing with the domestic violence, violation of children’s rights, including in order to improve culture in education, prevent, fight and inquire abuses against children and reduce the infantile mortality. The text of the declaration signed is to be submitted to the UN, OSCE and other international organizations.

The participants in the meeting also adopted the concepts of the CIS member states on fighting corruption, combating activities of legalizing the incomes got by illegal ways, financing terrorism and distribution of mass destruction weapons, as well as other decisions.  

Igor Dodon emphasized, with regret, that Moldova had missed the possibility to take over the chairmanship of CIS in 2017, but does not give up this idea and would take efforts to get this status.  

The president expressed Moldova’s interest in taking over the CIS chairmanship next years.
”We must develop the cooperation both in the West and in the East.

The huge potential of our cooperation with the partners from the East has remained not fully turned to account. I am sure that Moldova should have a more active role in the post-Soviet space, especially within CIS and EAEU,” the head of state added.