Moldovan president demands consolidation of security, defense state capacities

President Nicolae Timofti today chaired a working meeting on the national and regional security context, in the light of yesterday’s terrorist attacks in Brussels, Belgium.

Timofti said the Moldovan parliament had to speed up the adoption of legislative documents providing for the enhancement of Moldovan citizens’ security degree. In this context, the president touched upon the package of legislative documents on the activity of the Intelligence and Security Service and the law on preventing and fighting terrorism.

“Terrorism is becoming a more omnipresent threat and actions to combat this scourge should be taken by all national and international actors. I demand that the Moldovan parliament, government and other state institutions enforce all the decisions taken at the meetings of the Supreme Security Council, and also the decisions on state security and defense consolidation actions, taken during operative meetings ,” Timofti said.

During the meeting, the officials decided that a national mourning day would be held on 24 March, in solidarity with Belgium and to show compassion for Brussels terrorist acts’ victims.

Attending the meeting were Parliament Speaker Andrian Candu, Prime Minister Pavel Filip, the head of the parliamentary commission for national security, defense and public order, Veaceslav Untila, Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and European Integration Minister Andrei Galbur, Interior Minister Alexandru Jizdan, Defence Minister Anatolie Salaru, deputy head of the Intelligence and Security Service, Alexandru Balan, secretary general of the President’s Apparatus, Ion Paduraru and the president’s adviser for defense and national security matters, Alexei Barbaneagra.