President Timofti had a conversation with Romanian President Iohannis

President Nicolae Timofti today had a phone conversation with Romanian President Klaus Werner Iohannis. 

The two heads of state tackled the Moldovan-Romanian bilateral ties and the social and political situation in Moldova. President Iohannis highlighted that, by the swearing in of the new cabinet, Moldova had made an important step in overcoming the political crisis and in the idea of implementing the Association Agreement with the European Union.   

Also, the sides reaffirmed the two countries' willingness to cooperate intensely in the political, economic and social sectors. President Timofti thanked his Romanian counterpart for the constant support Romania was providing to Moldova. 

Klaus Iohannis invited Nicolae Timofti to pay an official visit to Romania. The Moldovan head of state accepted the visit, which is to take place in the near future.