Moldovan president conveys congratulatory message to Romanian counterpart on Romania's National Day

President Nicolae Timofti has conveyed a congratulatory message to his Romanian counterpart Traian Basescu on Romania’s National Day.

The message reads as follows:

”Your Excellency,

The marking of the National Day of Romania gives me the happy occasion to convey your Excellency and the Romanian nation my sincerest congratulations and best wishes.

I find out with pleasure that, over the past years, the distinguished friendship ties between Moldova and Romania have been on the rise, materialising by fruitful initiatives and concrete projects in various cooperation areas for the benefit of citizens of the two states.

I also want to underline that those two remarkable achievements of Moldova in 2014 – visa regime liberalisation and getting the statute of associated country to the European Union – would not be possible without the valuable and firm engagement of Romania.

I am confident that, by our joint efforts, we will further contribute to develop the bilateral strategic partnership, directed to achieve the European destiny of Moldova, to build up a prosperous future for its citizens, in dignity and freedom, in a united Europe.

I take advantage of this occasion, in order to thank you once again for your active involvement in achieving Moldova’s strategic goals and I am confident that you will promote them further, with the same dedication.

Wishing you health, joy and every success, please accept, Mr. President, the expression of my highest consideration”.