President, Igor Dodon, has met today the EU states ambassadors accredited in Moldova

President, Igor Dodon, has met today the EU states ambassadors accredited in Moldova. Such meetings have already become a tradition.

During the dialogue, the sides made an extensive exchange of views on the counties external and internal policy. Officials discussed the confrontation between state institutions - the Presidency versus the parliamentary majority and the government - which are under the control of the Democratic Party, especially in the context of the recent provocations. The head of the state noted that if these open confrontations will continue with the same dynamics, expressed in provocations of limiting the president's power and blocking of initiatives, it can lead to mass protests and destabilization at a national level.

Igor Dodon reiterated that government failures that have taken place in recent years, as well as intentions to please certain Western players, are nothing more than "for the eyes of the world", and in fact, being usual provocations realized by the Democratic Party and its exponents. At the same time, president, mentioned that all these demonstrations, the attempt to amend the Constitution, provocations against Russia and discussions about possible conflicts on the Dniester are, de facto, a well-planned agenda to incite spirits, which in the end can lead to destabilization in the country.

Also were discussed issues related to the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict, the steps to be taken by the Republic of Moldova in this regard, the agenda for the meeting with Vadim Krasnoselskii and the issues to be solved for the benefit of the population from both banks of the river Nistru, as the need to continue discussions in the "5 + 2" format.

It was also discussed the package of laws regarding Gagauzia, while representatives of the diplomatic corps agreed, that these laws should be adopted in the format in which they were developed by the working group without the intervention of the parliamentary majority. This is why these laws were returned to the Parliament, said Igor Dodon.

During the meeting was also raised the issue of the referendum referred to the resignation of the general mayor of Chisinau, Dorin Chirtoacă, the head of state expressing its conviction that it will take place on 19th of November. As a result, in the spring of 2018 will be held early elections in Chisinau according to which the residents of the capital will be able to choose their mayor which will represent their interests.

The Head of state also briefed the diplomats on the schedule of visits and on immediate priorities.