The President is on a visit to Cahul district

Igor Dodon went on a working visit to the Cahul district. The working agenda includes a number of meetings with representatives of the local administration, with the personnel of the Third Motorized Brigade, as well as with the staff of several kindergartens in the region.

President visited the kindergarten "Romaniţa" in the village of Chircani, as well as the kindergarten No. 1 in the village of Moskovskoye, who received assistance from the First Lady's Charity Fund in the framework of the nationwide program to support preschools, conducted by the "Din Suflet" Foundation.

In response to requests received from administrations and parents, the kindergartens received furniture and household appliances, and windows were replaced there. Joy in the eyes of children is our best motivation to continue making efforts to provide them with a healthy and comfortable environment for upbringing and development," Igor Dodon said.

Recall, during 2017, the charitable foundation of the first lady of Moldova Galina Dodon initiated work in 200 preschool institutions throughout the country. In most of them, the work has already been completed.

This year is planed to help about 500 kindergartens, and before the end of the mandate of the President of the Republic of Moldova, all kindergartens of the country should receive assistance, the President promised.