Speech delivered by President Nicolae Timofti at the farewell meeting with the representatives of Diplomatic Corps

Your Excellences,

Mr. and Mrs.  Ambassadors,

Distinguished guests,

Honorable audience,

I would like the today event to be less formal than those which are usually convened by the President of the Republic.

I have to admit that after 35 years of activity in the field of justice, I am convinced that there is another field which is just as complicated and sometimes even more complicated - politics.

I never expected to finish my career, not pronouncing verdicts, but promulgating laws and designating Prime ministers.

About 4 years and 8 months ago, in a solemn, but also extremely emotional for me atmosphere, holding my hand on the Constitution, and in front of the Parliament and the Constitutional Court, I pronounced an oath to devote all my personal strength and abilities to the prosperity of the Republic of Moldova, to defend democracy, sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Moldova.

I became the first President without being part of a political party and without a political doctrine. But I had a stronger advantage - I made a political doctrine from the Constitution. Thanks to this fact, I think, I can consider myself a fair President.

I tried not to infringe constitutional norms, in order not to compromise the democracy, the balance of powers and the fundamental rights of citizens of the country.

As President, elected by parliamentarians, I wanted to keep the presidential institution outside any political games. I put every effort in order to become a fair President-mediator, not a biased player in the frequent political disputes threatening the unity of our society.

Perhaps, I was not the most popular President for national media. Some consider that I was „sparing of words”. My argument is simple: I do not accept empty words without any substance.

And that was not a blemish, but a principle which I committed myself to when coming to this position.

However, the presidential institution categorically pronounced itself on fundamental issues, avoiding the episodic ones. I have communicated with the society whenever necessary, following the manner and format generally practiced by the institution.


Dear friends,

The mandate of the Head of State was entrusted to me in a period that was called to end a constitutional crisis lasting for over two years. But, please, note that issues were not cleared immediately. We were still facing difficulties. Within four years, I have designated 8 Prime ministers.

That means that in the Residence on Iorga Str., heated and emotional discussions were taking place and the finality was not always the desired one. Moreover, there were moments when we were losing any hope to find a compromise formula at the end of the day. This was a natural exercise for politicians, however exhausting for citizens who did not always share the decisions taken at the top.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I accepted the policymakers offer to pass this very serious exam - the office of head of state - because I am a convinced pro-European person confident in the European future of our country. Besides, the political class had, at that time, an ambitious program of European reforms on its agenda.

Today, I am proud that my mandate was marked by the most efficient, timely and correct political decision – signing of the Association Agreement Republic of Moldova - European Union and Liberalisation of the visa regime for Moldovan citizens. This is a success!

Bringing theRepublicofMoldovacloser to European living standards and European policy paradigm should remain the main goal of the foreign policy.

Our country has no alternative to modernization.

I believe in the human and political potential of the European Union, which represents a value for us.

We have enjoyed the support of our friends and partners, during the negotiation process and progress on the European agenda. I noted this fact whenever I had the chance. And on this occasion, I would like to address sincere words of gratitude to Ambassadors, who represents these countries in the capital of our Republic.

Among the steps that brought me a moral and spiritual satisfaction, I consider bringing back to natural the special relations between Chișinău and Bucharest.

We enjoyed a cordial relationship with Mr. President Johannis and Mr. President Băsescu, who recently became a citizen ofMoldova.

I believe that in the upcoming period good relations with our neighbours will not be affected - Romania and Ukraine - relations we care so much about. Moreover, we will need to ensure mutual support with our friends fromKievadministration, in order to solve a crucial problem of constitutional nature – our territorial integrity. Yes! The sovereignty and territorial integrity, whose guarantor is the President of the country.

I always sincerely wished that theRepublicofMoldovahad good and friendly relations with theRussian Federation, binding us for a long period of coexistence. I continue to strongly believe that these relations must be based on trust and mutual respect.

The State security is one of the fundamental prerogatives of the Head of State. The neutrality status, subject to perpetual debates, cannot and must not be an impediment to the modernization of the state in the field of security assurance.

Cooperation with the US and NATO, based on the Individual Action Plan Republic of Moldova - NATO offered us many opportunities in the defence and security field, including such areas as environmental safety, military training for peacekeeping missions and military reform.

I would like to mention, however, that our state’s neutrality remains an inoperative Article as long as Russian Federation troops keep stationing on the left side of theDniesterriver, contrary to our will and in spite of earlier commitments. 

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Allow me to admit a difficult truth.

The State security, along with the credibility in the law institutions, was dramatically affected by the mega fraud committed in the banking system. I cannot overlook this shameful page, no matter how embarrassing it is for a President.

It occurred within my mandate, although the Supreme Security Council, under the aegis of the President, since the summer of 2012 and subsequently, warned the leadership of the National Bank, the Government, the Prosecutor, about the true state of affairs in the banking system and recommended organizing an external audit. The decisions of the Supreme Security Council are not legally binding. Thus, the relevant institutions remained inert to our recommendations, and the crisis deepened.

Throughout my mandate, we faced several challenges. We had to deal with the embargo imposed by the Russian Federation, to face some great risks in the context of the crises in the region - I am referring to our neighbour Ukraine - but also various challenges on the European continent.

All these circumstances, directly or indirectly, had an impact on the dynamics of implementation of the reform agenda, but also on the state of mind of the society.

The President of the Republic is the guarantor of national sovereignty and independence. Promoting and strengthening national identity, national values, assured my verticality and morality. 

I spoke with pride and hope about the Romanian language even in places, where it was believed that our language has another name at home - Moldovan.

The main attributes which I followed during my mandate were the national independence and identity, as well as the love for the country.

No President and no person have the right to infringe our national values, the traditions of local people and of those who cohabitate with them.

This is my testament for the successors of the presidential institution.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Every beginning has an end. Soon I will transfer the power to a newly elected President.

Of course, at the end of the mandate, a President leaves some fingerprints on his country's history. The assessment of a President’s performance should not be made hastily. Only the time can crystallize decisions, behavior and will put value or non-value on everything.

I hope that my successor will ensure the prosperity of the country and of the citizens, an authentic democracy, and an evolution, not involution.

Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone for competence and cooperation.

I leave with a clear conscience. I have always acted with determination in the interest of citizens; I served people, not a party, not a dogma.

My mandate as President expired, but the mission as citizen continues. I assure you that I will remain a pro-European citizen, confident that we will accomplish the actions we started.

Thank you!